Important Dates
- Call for Abstracts Opens: January 3, 2022
- Please submit your abstract by March 1 if you hope to get your submission upgraded to a contributed talk, and March 15 for poster presentation.
- Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process: March 22, 2023
- The presenting author has to be fully registered to the conference and paid corresponding fees no later than April 1, 2023
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Oral and poster presentations are counted for equally.
- According to the conference policies each paper must be presented by at least one registered and paid author.
- Accepted abstracts will be removed from the program if no presenting author is registered and paid by April 1, 2023.
Abstract Details
- Your abstract submission must consists of two parts: A short Summary (Maximum 35 words) and a full abstract (1 page pdf)
- Your one-page full abstract (pdf file) will be reviewed by the International Program Committee.
Important notes:
- Only single page pdf will be considered
- Pdf format in best resolution
- Scanned pdf-files are not accepted
- Files must be created using a pdf-distiller, all fonts must be embedded
- The pdf may neither contain any form of access restriction, nor bookmarks or links
Abstracts will be peer reviewed according to the following criteria:
- Scientific quality of the abstract
- Originality of the abstract
- Relevance to SPP10 Conference
- Potential impact of the abstract
The quality of the abstracts will form the basis for selection for the SPP10 Conference.